Im using Tom's application options.
Sorry for my age lie, I didn't know the required age.THIS IS JUST A TEST APPLICATION!!! You can still accept it if you want, but it's your choice. Name:
12, almost 13.
When do you play:
I usually play around 4:00-6:00 EST right after school. On weekends I am on most of the time.Unless it is like next NEXT weekend, upon which I will be at my mothers, she won't let me download MS.
How long have you been playing MS in general for:
I have played on and off for about 4 years, but never got to an extremely high level.
Any coding experience:
No coding experience.
Your past staff experiences:
Well, I have never been GM or a Moderator. But, my dad did make his own server in Lineage 2, and I helped him. I was a Co-GM.
Reason explaining why you would want to be a GM for our server and the reasons why:
Well I am a convincing person. One time my friend's girlfriend broke up with him, and he had been dating her for about 4 years (I know this is not for personal stuff but I need an example) and I helped him get through the whole thing.
What could you do to help benefit the server?:
I love to eliminate hackers. I love to test new things. And I absolutely LOVE answering questions that no one else can answer. I can think of some pretty crazy ideas for events. I also currently play ROBLOX, and I am working on being a moderator for the server. I can think of things that no one would think of.
What do you think of relationships between Staff and Players?:
A player and a staff member are both people, but one has more power. I hate it when servers are nearly empty (In other games I have previously tested) and the GMs are Never on! I think the staff should play with the characters more often, becuase they are both playing the same game, there is no reason for the player to be ignored.
Means of Contact:
I have an AOL, a Yahoo, and a Hotmail, the AOL and Hotmail I have yet to put into my profile.
Anything else we should know:
I hate being judged about my age in games. Just becuase I am young, does not mean I am stupid. I am a computer geek, but I am tough and I don't take crap from anyone. Sorry for that little burst of mine. Don't worry, I don't have anger management.
What is your favorite type of music?
I love death metal, rock and anything that will blow your ears off when you turn it on. I also like the Red Hot Chili Peppers.
What are your hobbies?
I spend most of my free time in the water. When I am not doing that, I am playing on the computer, and when I am not doing THAT, I am toughening up my little brother.
Added (2008-11-14, 6:19 Am)
Sorry about the title. The Title should be GM (Test) Application.
Added (2008-11-14, 6:27 Am)
Hmm, Coder you say? I don't believe i've ever had any experience with coding, but I am willing to learn. If anyone needs to contact me, go by either,, or If you need, I can register an MSN.