Location:California When do you play:Randomly when i got school and sometimes on if i dont have school.
How long have you been playing MS in general for:for 26days(2006) got up to level 76 is SLOW.
Any coding experience:no
Your past staff experiences:I was a gm on PixelMS<But i got banned because the U.K Owner thinks i herrased a another player but it was the others gm and i aslo Help him setup the server it was a Long GM time/Hurricanems has no one playing.
Reason explaining why you would want to be a GM for our server and the reasons why:I can do alot of fun event and banning people<Most of the time i see hackers in Horntail Boss Place.I can help new players on the server.I know most of the commands depending what repack is it.I can have a chance of getting alot people into this server.Mostly help improve this server by making good suggestions.I know not to abuse the gm commands.
What could you do to help benefit the server?:I will ban hackers that ruins the server..Throw alot of events that makes players fun.<Few of the info are on the last question.>
What do you think of relationships between Staff and Players?: I having a Relationship with Players in the game and the forums,staff is important to me.I must respect others.
Means of Contact:
Anything else we should know: I am honest and nice,dont like to get disrespected.I got a little bad english.