Before I start writing, I would like to introduce myself. This might reflect the resume, but, bare with me :). My name is Alan Jiang. I have been playing this magnificant server for about one or two weeks now, and I have finally pushed myself to try to claim myself a position to be a Staff for this server. Why? I decided to become a Game Master? It is simple, because ,i would be able to make the server less laggy and to help those who are in need for help. Now, that was a short introductions. It's time to fill in the resume that one of the GM gave us to do. Wish me luck guys ~!. Name:
Like I said in my short introduction, my name is Alan Jiang.
I am fourteen and a half. (14½)
I currently live in Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada. : D!
When do you play:
I have manage my time on the computer wisely. 3-5 hours approximately on the weekdays, and I go on all day on the weekends.
How long have you been playing MS in general for:
I have been play GlobalMapleStory for quite awhile now, approximately 3-4 years now. I've also been playing abit during the Beta time.
Any coding experience:
Yes, i have been a coder atleast two or three times in my MapleStory career. I am not the "best", as you can still call me a learner.
Your past staff experiences:
I have been a GM in few servers. I'll list a few here ; HaHaMS, DarkAgeMS, BounceMS, TempleStory, PreciousMS, ForgiveMS, and etc.
Reason explaining why you would want to be a GM for our server and the reasons why:
If i have the postion as the GameMaster , i would help maintain the server with less lag, help the youth with things that they cannot do, and also, i can help advertise this server with a video, that i can put on youtube, so more people can join!
What could you do to help benefit the server?:
I can help make it less laggy, i would donate with the acception of my parents, help the youth with problems, and more suggestions by Andy.
What do you think of relationships between Staff and Players?:
In my very opinion, I think that the relationships between the Staff and Players are very respectful. Why? Because, in other servers I've been to, the GM's would NEVER treat other players so politely.
Means of Contact:
AIM - alanjiang45
Youtube - ajiang45
Facebook - Alan Jiang
Anything else we should know: Any further references may be asked here or you can contact me on MSN. I hope I will be selected, I will bring the inner me to help prove that I deserve this spot.
Thank you guys, and thank you for reading my GameMaster Application!
- Sincerely, Infatuated (Alan Jiang).
Happy National Mapling!