Bevore my application i will say u that im a GM in like 10+servers!
Here my Application!
Now here is a pro GM,Know 99% of commands and be already a GM in other maplestory.
Information myself!
About me!
Hello im Rick come from Holland and im 12years old i know alot of maplestory i play it like 4years now.
Im making video's on youtube some Holland people know me.(YouTube name=GoochelaarRick)
Play FaitlFulMS like in the begin! idk how long ago That was my GM Application.
Thank You!
And now ur Questions!
1:: What is your in game and real life name?
my name is Rick ingame is SukiYaki
2:: How long have you played on NationalMS?
Like 1mond? idk how long it active!
3:: Have you played retail maple? how long for?
i started when i was 8years like 4almost 5years
4:: What is your average daily playing time?
sunday and saterday 7/8hours other days 4/5 hours
5:: Where do you live?
Holland,The Netherlands!
6:: What hours do you normally play and please indicate time zone?
GMT+1 i think Or it was GMT-1 its now 17:00 5pm at ur time!
7:: How old are you?
12 almost 13
8A:: Do you have past experience as a Game Master?
Yes i played like 10+servers on a GM acc
8B:: If so, where and for how long?
5servers forever
3servers 1mond 2where hacked 1 crashed
2servers for 1day
and i had a own server but i close it it was so laggy and no people wanna play:P
9:: Can you script/code?
No sorry i am more that i help people ingame and ban hackers like that style ..
10:: Give us some general information about yourself here:
About me!
Hello im Rick come from Holland and im 12years old i know alot of maplestory i play it like 4years now.
Im making video's on youtube some Holland people know me.(YouTube name=GoochelaarRick)
Thank You!
Added (2008-08-25, 6:58 Pm)
and my e-mail=