HI!!!! i may be new here but i've known holley for a pretty long time (meaning when nationalgamerz started ^^) so i hope you admins would approve of meh!
Name: alvin cheung
When do you play:friday-sunday
How long have you been playing MS in general for:LONG TIME since the begining
Any coding experience:nope
Your past staff experiences:admin for national gamerz
Reason explaining why you would want to be a GM for our server and the reasons why: cause i am a great guy ^^ and i know holley very well
What could you do to help benefit the server?:keep people in the game from cheating and all
What do you think of relationships between Staff and Players?:i haven't played yet
Means of Contact:aim me thiefman8000
Anything else we should know:IM A GREAT PERSON