Hello Dear future GM appliers, its very important to let you know about our GM status and the areas where we are lacking now.
here are our status: specifications
Forum Moderators = 1
Graphic designers, web masters and video producers=2
Donators =2
In Game GM = 3
Total GM= 8
There are several rules that you must know and we will explain it now:
there are 5 types of GM
level 1 GM = you can obtain this GM lvl when you donate,after that you will be automatically a GM, you will be granted with new powers
level 2 GM = this level could be obtain if you donate more than 1 time or if in your application form you offer skills that we will determine if it can help us to evolve the server for better.
level 3 GM = This position is for Inside GM, their mission is to guarantee the honestly inside game, help people, but dont disturb their gaming. lvl 3 GM is the evolution of a lVL 2 GM, means that they were strictly analized and lvl 5 GM decided to give em more power because they meet the requirements.
level 4 GM = special GM with big powers and we reserve all the rights to specify who deserve this title, it envolve a lot of characteristics.
level 5 GM = the owners and people who were loyal helping the site and who are still with us, without been traitors.
level 1GM : you can be a lvl 1 GM once you donate, so the vacants for this position are infinite
level 2 GM: 2 vacant
level 3 GM: 0 vacants
level 4 GM: 0 vacants
level 5 GM: 0 vacants