Name: Kevin Age: 16
Location: The Netherlands
When do you play: When school starts evenings some afternoons. Vacation diffrent
How long have you been playing MS in general for: 3years
Any coding experience: Not really acctuly but i would love to learn it
Your past staff experiences: Once a GM in rose online private server
Reason explaining why you would want to be a GM for our server and the reasons why: I love to give events and to help people alot and to be there always for the players and judge fairly, and search for buggs offcourse. Well i allready know a couple staff members that's why
What could you do to help benefit the server?: Make it active by promotion in my neighboor and maybe on other forums , makeing events couple of times a day
What do you think of relationships between Staff and Players?: I don't mind. If people like each other then it's fine b
Means of Contact: MSN, mail, ingame
Anything else we should know: