Ok guys I will add some Npc's and if I miss anything, just tell me and I will update it. There are more npc's. There are still some npc's to find out about.
Mr.Pickall-Rebirther Spiegelmann- Sells scrolls.
Nana(L)-Trades any snowboard for a Super Snowboard.
Spindle-Sells white scrolls, dragon stones, and items that transform you into different monsters.
Cody-Job advancer
Ria- For field of judgement
Fredrick-Sells potions and smegas.
Mia (henesys)-Pet seller
Spinel-sells what Spindle sells and teleports you to monstermaps, bossmaps, and towns.
Coco-steals 10mill and fames you.
Nana(h) in henesys- sells nx but does not bring up nx when you click on a category
Thomas Swift- Sells mounts.
Duey- brings you to PVP map
Nicholas- SKill maxer( can be found in henesys)
Tombstone in papu- Sells papu crack pieces.
Hidden Street: A Crack on the Wall : The npc's there sell nx.
If i miss an npc, tell me and I will add it to this list. I will update this list as I find more npc's.
~Thanks , GM Swinchi